  • 期刊


Diagnosis and Treatment of Vitiligo and Other Depigmentation Disorders




Vitiligo is a common pigmentary disorder characterized by the appearance of well-defined, irregularly shaped white patches on the skin. Although vitiligo is not a fatal disease and it is not contagious, it can affect the appearance. About 1-2% of the general population suffer from vitiligo, and about 1/5 have a family history. Vitiligo is clinically easily confused with many diseases, including: tinea versicolor, pityriasis alba, idiopathic guttate hypomelanosis, chemical leukoderma, etc. Early symptoms of tuberculoid leprosy are red or white patches, papules, or small nodules on the skin and loss of sensation in the affected area; however, skin sensation may be normal in the very early stages. Physician evaluation is required to make a correct diagnosis, and clinicians sometimes require biopsy to rule out diseases with reduced or absent melanocytes.
