  • 期刊


A Study on the Editorial Staffs of Yongle Canon




明成祖 解縉 文獻大成 永樂大典


It is well known that Yongle Canon, which compilation had been finished in 1407, has become a prevalent research area in its history of six hundred years, and that even so-called "Canonology" (DadianXue) has been established. Although it seems to be impossible to find out all the compilers participating in the writing of the Canon, almost 300-though may be more than 2000 according to some historical recordhave been affirmed by scholars nowadays, e.g. GuoBogong, WengChongmen, and Zhu Honglin. It should be paid attention that the works of scholars mentioned above help understanding both the background and the process of editing the Canon. Based on a certain kind of ancient Chinese documents such as historical record, biography, reference book, and collected literary work, this article aims to carry on the investigation of the compilers of the Yongle Canon, arguing that 58 members, including 30 editors and 28 copyists, respectively, can be added to the name list of Canon compiler, and that certain results in the related area requires some amendment.


Ming Chengzu XieJin WenxianDacheng Yongle Canon


明‧焦竑輯:《國朝獻徵錄》,臺南:莊嚴出版社,《四庫全書存目叢書》影印中國史學叢書影印明萬曆四十四年徐象曼山館刻本,1996 年。
明‧何喬遠纂:《閩書》,臺南:莊嚴出版社,《四庫全書存目叢書》影印明崇禎刊本,1996 年。
明‧費宏:《太保費文憲公摘稿》,上海:上海古籍出版社,《續修四庫全書》影印明嘉靖三十四年吳遵之刊本,1995 年。
明‧陳誠:《陳竹山先生文集》,臺南:莊嚴出版社,《四庫全書存目叢書》影印清雍正七年刊本,1997 年。
清‧龍文彬編:《明會要》,上海:上海古籍出版社,《續修四庫全書》影印清光緒十三年永懷堂刊本,1997 年。
