  • 期刊


Zazi in the Series of Enlightened Teaching Materials in Dunhuang Manuscripts and in Ming-Qing Dynasties: A Comparative Study




敦煌 雜字 蒙書 分類部居


As a certain kind of teaching materials in ancient enlightened education, which had frequently been collected in reference books completed in Ming-Qing dynasties, zazi is well-known for its editing techniques, e.g. classification of words, four-character expressions, and coherence of related ideas, which are able to be traced back to the methods of categories edit in the zazi's series of the teaching materials in Dunhuang Manuscripts: 1. Method that collected different knowledges into a system in terms of their resemblance. Its achievement includes zazi writings that are constituted by three or four character sentences, e.g. Za Chao and Confucius Beiwenshu. 2. Method that classified daily words belonging to different categories, which encouraged the writings of Suwu Yaoming Lin and Zazi Shiyong Yaozi, the first two books in the related area during Ming-Qing dynasties. 3. Method that united common knowledges by four-character sentences, which set a precedent for zazi writings in later ages, e.g. Siyan Biandu, despite there is an absence of category edit (fenlei libu) in its representative works such as Kaimeng Yaoxun, a system which development was grounded on Za Chao and Confucius Beiwenshu. Based on the method of fenlei buju and three categories as mentioned above, this article aims to compare zazi in Ming-Qing dynasties with zazi's series of the teaching materials in Dunhuang Manuscripts, in terms of their similarities and dissimilarities in both classification items and agricultural writings.


Dunhuang Zazi Enlightened Materials Categories Edit


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