  • 期刊


On the feature of Wang Zhao-jun story in Tang dynasty and its influence to the later Chinese and Japanese literature




王昭君 和親 昭君村 白居易 唐詩 變文 漢詩 和歌 物語 謠曲 《大和昭君》


Wang Zhao-jun story has been spreaded widely at home and abroad from Han dynasty to modern times. For example, in modern Japan, a novelist Ozaki Koyo adopted Zhao-jun story and created a social novel Yamato Zhaoj-un. Wang Zhao-jun was a maid in the Han imperial palace. Han-Calligraphy says "Emperor Yuan attempted to cement relations with Hun, gave Wang Zhao-jun who was waiting for the edict at the palace to Hun king Hu-han-ye Chan-yu, Wang Zhao-jun married Hu-han-ye, gave birth to a son, after the death of Hu-han-ye, married to former wife's son again in compliance with Hun custom, gave birth to two daughters." Then she reached peace-through-marriage mission. The afterwards unofficial history and official history yet focused on her good looks. Xi-jing-za-ji says "Wang Zhao-jun was the most beautiful woman in Han harem, but she refused to bribe a painter who eventually painted her bad looking, Emperor Yuan afterwards saw her beauty and soon regretted." Post-Han calligraphy also says "Emperor Yuan saw her beauty and wanted to keep her." This behavior did not seem positive peace-through-marriage policy. Six dynasties era inherited this story, and created many Yue-fu songs with Zhao-jun's resentment theme. Tang dynasty also needed peace-through-marriage with non-Han border rulers, and some poets admired Wang Zhao-jun. They abandoned official position and departed capital, looked for Zhao-jun village, using the image of Wang Zhao-jun, represented their emotion. Bai Ju-yi's poem Pass Zhao-jun village said "Her unique beauty is envied by all maids", Li Ru-bi's poem Bright moon poem also described the patriotic spirits of placeman. Through these poems we can find out Tang poet's respect for Wang Zhao-jun was stronger than previous generations. In addition, poets uncertainly agreed peace-through-marriage policy, as well as represented against Wang Zhao-jun followed Hun custom and married father and son Chan-yu etc., they carried out a variety of views, and affected future generations. This author intends to explore the feature of Wang Zhao-jun story in Tang dynasty and its influence to the later Chinese and Japanese literature in this paper.


(漢)焦延壽:《焦氏易林》四卷,收於(清)紀昀等纂:《欽定四庫全書》子部,臺北:商務印書館,1986 年景印文淵閣本。
(漢)荀悅:《前漢紀》三十卷。收於(清)紀昀等纂:《欽定四庫全書》史部,臺北:商務印書館,1986 年景印文淵閣本。
(梁)蕭統:《文選》六十卷。同治八年,1869 年,崇文書局重刻宋淳熙本。
