  • 期刊


The Classical Prose Movement in the Late-Tang: The Case of Sun Qiao




古文運動 晚唐 孫樵 韓愈 以文為戲


Numerous scholars have noted the importance of Tang-Sung classical prose movement which arose during the mid-Tang and shed light on its literary and intellectual legacy in the pre-modern China. However, in spite of much attention to the two towering pioneers of the movement, Han Yu and Liu Zongyuan, and their fellows and influences, we still know little about how this trend changed during the late-Tang and Five-dynasties period. This article explores the process and features of the classical prose in the late-Tang by focusing on Sun Qiao, the "third-generation disciple" of Han Yu. The first summarizes the difficulty of late-Tang prose studying and Sun's literary role. The second points out Sun's writing strategy which centered on the "strange" through his works and literary opinions. The third analyses the relationship between two concepts, "tools of Way" and "writing as game", in Han's literary theory. The fourth explains how Han combined the virtue of "classical" with writing and compares his attitude with Sun's toward Buddhism and other thoughts, showing that Sun was therefore deemed by the Sung Confusianists as early medieval literati rather than successor of Han. In short, Sun inherited Han's writing skills instead of the critical and complete thinking of "Way", and it seems that this deficiency led Sun astray in search of "strange" and deepen the "weak" impression of classical prose in the late-Tang.


(唐)韓愈著,馬其昶校注、馬茂元整理:《韓昌黎文集校注》,北京:古典文學出版社,1957 年。
(唐)柳宗元:《柳宗元集》,北京:中華書局,1979 年。
(唐)孫樵:《孫可之文集.王伯沆校注圈點手書本》,收入《冬飲叢書》,第一輯,揚州:廣陵書社,2003 年。
(清)王士禎:《香祖筆記》,上海:上海古籍出版社,1982 年。
