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Cultural Landscape and Spiritual/Spirituality Narrative of the travel of the England in Lu Bicheng: Also on the cause of her later life towards religious practice




Lu Bicheng(呂碧城)who has a unique life history have traveled around Europe and the United States in her middle age. Lu once visited England for half a year from 1927 to 1928. Its focus (what focus, this paper? Or her life history? need to clarify) is threefold:Firstly, due to her career as a female reporter, Lu Bicheng's objective report on the England's cultural landscape and its intellectual and professional style. Particularly, while encountering western culture, Lu remained her own cultural subject and interpret foreign culture with Chinese sentiment, showing her cultural self-confidence. Secondly, Lu was diligent in reading newspapers during the trip, often paying special attention to news, reports of litigation or spiritual events in particular. At the same time, she also discussed the development of spirituality in London. Thirdly, Lu occasionally discovered serendipity of Buddhism during her England residence, and taking the opportunity to learning Buddhism in her later life. Lu is also concerned about the development of Buddhism in London, showing the life consciousness of female reporters towards the path of religious practice. Therefore, this paper aims to explore Lu Bicheng and her life of a classical talented woman of the Republic of China. This paper has three major focuses: Firstly, on her writing on cultural landscape and spiritual narrative in England and secondly, on the cause of her encounter with Buddhism. Third, on the path of life to religion, to explore the more unique connotation in her English travel writing, and its turning significance to her later life history.


呂碧城編譯:《歐美之光》,新竹:獅頭山無量壽長期放生會,1964 年 7 月。
呂碧城:〈蓮邦之路〉,《香光小錄》,引自李又寧:〈序:呂碧城是怎樣開始信佛的〉,呂碧城:《觀無量壽佛經釋論》,臺北:天華出版社,1979 年 11月。
呂碧城著;李保民校箋:《呂碧城集》,上海:上海古籍出版社,2015 年 8 月。
方秀潔(Grace S. Fong):〈另類的現代性,或現代中國的古典女性:呂碧城充滿挑戰的一生及其詞作〉,華東師範大學中文系編:《慶祝施蟄存教授百年華誕文集》,上海:上海古籍出版社,2003 年 10 月。
方秀潔(Grace S. Fong):〈重塑時空與主體:呂碧城的《游廬瑣記》〉,張宏生、錢南秀編:《中國文學:傳統與現代的對話》,上海:上海古籍出版社,2007年 12 月。
