  • 期刊


The Mythical Color of the Story of Wang Zhaojun in China and Japan




The legend penetrates into the folk with mythology and fiction through literature. This is the conclusion I reached when studying the legend of Bao Gong. I now study the story of Wang Zhaojun and have come to the same conclusion. In the Qing novel The Romance of Two Phoenixs(1809), the decisive version of the story of Wang Zhaojun, gods such as Nine Heavens Profound Girl protect Wang Zhaojun's chastity. Legend of Patching Heaven Stone (1830) has other characteristics, Golden Mother made Zhaojun return to the Han Imperial Court, but Zhaojun renunciated her life and became a fairy. Zhaojun Village has the legend of Wang Zhaojun. The modern novel The Secret Biography of Wang Zhaojun (2005) also quotes a part of it. Wang Zhaojun has a mythical color. A similar work in Japan, "Speaking the Scriptures" Wang Zhaojun (1669), decribes gods such as Queen Mother of the West and other gods fought against the country of Hu to snatch Wang Zhaojun. Its plot is similar to Legend of Patching Heaven Stone, but Zhaojun does not become a fairy. Folk literature is highly fictional, with characters from different eras from Wang Zhaojun. Emperor Wu, Su Wu, and Li Ling appeared in Shuangfeng Romance, and Emperor Guangwu, Yan Ziling, Fan Kuai, and Zhang Liang appeared in Wang Zhaojun. It can be said that mythology and fiction are the common characteristics of Chinese and Japanese folk literature.


漢.鄭玄注,唐.孔穎達疏:《禮記注疏》,臺北:新文豐出版公司,2001 年。
後漢・班固撰、唐・顏師古注:《前漢書》,清・乾隆中敕輯《欽定四庫全書》,臺北:臺灣商務印書館,用文淵閣本景印,1983 年-1987 年。
後漢・蔡邕:《琴操》,清・孫星衍編《平津館叢書》(1885 年刻本)。
梁・蕭統輯、唐・李善注:《文選》,臺北:石門圖書有限公司,1976 年。
