  • 期刊


Brief Chronicle of Taoyuan Sages: County Pioneer Family-Wu Honglin




桃園先賢 吳鴻麟 吳伯雄 吳志揚 中壢


Characters are the main factors affecting the development of history, but in the past most of us know and researchers are world class and state-level historical figures. However, the development impact on local level may not be the most serious was a historical figure, but rather where the leaders. However, these have a significant contribution to the local people have often been neglected and ignored, resulting in the general population do not understand where these places Fangxian Xian. To compensate for this loss, the garden has been opened, ”Taoyuan sages Zhi Lue” unit to introduce a model Suxi sages in various fields. The unit specializes in Taoyuan welcomes cultural and historical research of the academic co-operation advanced. Following the current period on the first person to introduce CITES Taoyuan - Xueqi Long after the introduction of role models is the next county pioneer family - Wu Honglin. Appear in a magistrate of a family is not easy, not to mention the emergence of three generations three county. In the history of Taoyuan County, there have been three Jhongli Wu served as county after another, such an unprecedented record in the short term it will be difficult to break the other family, and create a record of the pioneer, is Wu Honglin.


Taoyuan sages Wu Honglin Wu Poh-hsiung Wu Zhiyang Chungli
