  • 期刊


City Development and the Change of Spatial Allocation of Foreign Corporate Headquarters in Taipei City


過去的研究強調,都市發展主要受經濟全球化的牽引,我們認為這樣的論點忽略了都市發展之主動性與影響力,本研究則以台北市為例,顯示政府對城市發展的規劃,是影響跨國企業落籍與分佈的重要因素。運用空間統計方法及地理資訊系統(Geographic Information Systems, GIS)分析軟體,我們探討外商區位分佈與變遷如何反映了台北市都市發展之軌跡。分析2001年(在台外資企業名錄)及1993年日本商會、美國商會(American Chamber of Commerce [AmCham] in Taipei)以及歐洲商務協會(European Chamber of Commerce, Taipei ECCT)三份會員名錄資料後發現,北市外商之區位分佈隨著台北市發展,逐漸由西往東遷移。雖然1993-2001年間外商分佈之變化相當微小,但是若將2006年位於信義新都心內八棟著名大樓的進駐外商名單與2001年的資料比對,發現隨著信義區在這幾年的蓬勃發展,信義新都心已經成為跨國企業,光其是生產者服務業,的主要聚集地。


As Taipei City has undergone dramatic development since the 1990s, we aim to analyze whether the location of the headquarters of multinational corporations in Taipei have changed accordingly. The data sets used in this research are the 2001 edition of Foreign Enterprises in Taiwan collected by Dun & Bradstreet International Ltd.. three 1993 membership directories from Japanese, American and European Chambers of Commerce in Taipei, respectively and a list of foreign companies located in the eight famous office buildings in Shinyi business district collected by authors in 2006. Applying spatial analysis, Geographic Information System, GIS, we found that the changing location of multinational corporations in Taipei City from 1993 to 2001 has coincided with the shift of the central business district of the city from west to east. Nevertheless, this pattern has unfolded quite slowly. As of late the Shinyi district has emerged as the new city center and has become the most attractive location for foreign firms in Taiwan, especially for those involved in foreign producer services.


