  • 期刊


The Comparison between "National Pension Law" and "Labor Retirement Pension System" in the Legislative Process: From the Polity-Centered Perspective


保障台灣勞工老年退休生活的『勞退新制』在西元2004年通過,並在2005年7月1日開始實施,然而保障全民老年經濟安全的『國民年金法』,卻仍於2004年底的第五屆立法院無法通過,並退回行政院重新研擬。本研究進行這兩個政策立法的過程與結果之比較,以政體中心論檢視國家機關、社會團體與政黨對兩法案推動過程的影響。 研究發現:(1)、勞退新制推動過程中,國家機關對勞退新制的制訂介入程度較低,而國民年金法則因對政府財政影響很大,明顯由國家機關主導整個法案的推動:再者,(2)、勞退新制立法過程主要由勞委會主導勞資談判,而國民年金則由經建會一手規劃:(3)、勞退新制的推動過程中,勞工團體給予政府較大壓力,而推動國民年金立法的社會團體所能給予政府的壓力則較小:(4)、勞退新制的通過是勞工團體、政黨談判與妥協的結果,而國民年金法的出現則是政黨競爭的結果:然而(5)、政黨在國民年金法推動的後期,幾乎沒有出現相異的主張,政黨競爭相對減弱。


The ”Labor Retirement Pension System” which safeguards laborer's old-age retirement was passed in 2004 and launched on July 1st, 2005. However, the ”National Pension Law” safeguards everyone's old-age financial security, actually to 2004 year's end, the fifth session of Legislative Yuan is unable to pass, and returns the Executive Yuan repeat to plan. This research examines two legislation policies, processes and the compares results, discusses the state inspection agency, the social group and the political party via polity-centered influences on two policy impetus processes. This research discovered that (1) for the Labor Retirement Pension System impetus, the state intervened at a low level, but since national pension law policies strongly influence government finance, the state agency obviously lead the entire policy impetus: (2) the Labor Retirement Pension System was legislated mainly by the Council of Labor Affairs, hut the national pension law was lead by the Council of Economic Planning and Development: (3) for the Labor Retirement Pension System impetus., labor groups exert huge pressure on the government, but impels the national pension law legislation the social group actually to be unable like the labor group equally to give the pressure. (4) The Labor Retirement Pension System was passed due to political party compromise, but the national pension law appears to be the result of political party competition. However, during later period of the national pension law, political parties have not appeared to hold different positions, and political party competition has weakened.


