  • 期刊


A Study of Store Image for Consumer to Select Convenience Store: A Case in Kaohsiung City


伴隨經濟起飛,國民生活水準逐漸提升,消費型態同時也漸漸在改變,消費者對於「購買」出現了更多的要求,要求便利、品質、多樣化、附加服務…等,因此便利商店如雨後春筍般陸續設立,本研究欲從消費者之角度探討消費者選擇前往不同型態便利商店之行為,藉以瞭解商店印象是否影響消費者選擇前往不同型態便利商店。本研究採複合式研究方法結合質性及量化方法;首先訪談33位消費者探討消費者心中重視之商店印象因素,藉以作為修正問卷架構之依據。結果發現便利性、服務、產品、促銷、商譽、商店氣氛等為商店印象之主要構面;再者,為全面了解商店印象對高雄市消費者選擇便利商店型態之因素,本研究採便利抽樣(Convenience Sampling)共發放350份問卷,有效問卷為305份。研究結果顯示,在構面的部分,大型便利商店及小型便利商店,消費者皆認為商店氣氛是優先考量的構面,其次為產品構面;而在因素的部分,消費者選擇大型便利商店的首重考量因素有兩個,分別是產品齊全度與整潔度,而選擇小型便利商店的第一考量因素則只有產品齊全度。


Due to the successful and prosperous economy, the consuming style is gradually changing. Consumers have been requesting more and more while expenditure. Convenience, quality, diversification, and additional service are requested by consumers. Thus, many convenience stores were established. The purpose of this research is to explore the consumer selection behavior that how the consumers choose different scaled convenience store.This research conducted a multi-method approached which combined qualitative and quantitative methods and to use primary and secondary data. Firstly, this study interviewed 33 consumers and thus understood the key factors influencing the consumers' choice to different style convenience stores. The dimensions of convenience, service, product, promotion, reputation and the store atmosphere are found that are the major factors of store image. The questionnaire thus is revised by the result of interviews. Furthermore, raw data were taken from a survey conducted by this study on 350 consumers that were conducted by a convenience sampling. We obtained 305 valid questionnaires from the survey. The results show that the store image and products are the primary and secondly factors that influence the consumer to select the different convenience store's style.


Chan, N. T. (2013). 商店氣氛對消費者情緒、顧客滿意度和行為意向的影響-以誠品信義店為例 [master's thesis, Tamkang University]. Airiti Library. https://doi.org/10.6846/TKU.2013.00153
