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Discussions on the Stylistic Features of Sturm und Drang in Music History-Illustrated by the Music of Haydn and Mozart


十八世紀歐洲「啟蒙運動」(The Enlightenment)人文思想,對人類的整體精神文明,連帶社會的改革、藝術創作表現等諸多方面,皆產生深遠的影響。在藝術風格方面,呈現出多元的樣貌。這些風格樣貌往往是前一種風格樣貌的擴大、延伸、轉形、互補、或變化。彼此之間,常常在時間的進程上,呈現出交疊與延續的關係。然而,貝瑞.布魯克(Barry Brook, 1918-1997)在1970的論文中指出,不少《音樂欣賞》書籍,習慣將十八世紀,特別是下半時期,統一稱為「古典主義」的世紀,有意無意地簡化或疏於深入探討當時正如火如荼展開的「狂飆突進」(Sturm und Drang)風格。本文旨在以啟蒙運動的思想,作為探討盛行於十八世紀幾個主要藝術風格的主軸,進而探討「狂飆突進」風格在十八世紀中葉以後對維也納古典樂派的二位音樂家,海頓與莫札特,在作品風格上的影響,以及對十九世紀浪漫主義的影響。以引導讀者對十八世紀的人文藝術發展與流變,建立更全面統整的風格概念。


The social-political environment of Europe in the eighteenth century witnessed the changes in humanistic thoughts known as the Enlightenment, which drew great influence on further development of human life. The eighteenth century was an age of classicism, as many art textbooks called. With respect to the classical style, the spirits of humanitarian and cosmopolitan in this age were manifested in all kinds of arts. Therefore, it seems reasonable to assume that Classicism is the primary artistic style in the age of the Enlightenment, as Barry Brook pointed out in one of his articles in 1970. However, there was more than one artistic style in the eighteenth century, and all of these were sprung from the doctrine of the Enlightenment. One of the influential literary movements which evoked the deepest soul of each individual was called "Sturm und Drang". The purpose of this study is to clarify some fixed points through the music work by Haydn and Mozart, two influential musicians of the music classicism, and to help the readers acquire accurate and multifaceted reflection on the artistic styles grown in the eighteenth century.


the Enlightenment Sturm und Drang classicism
