  • 期刊


A Study of Tourist Satisfaction and Behavioral Intention on Service Quality of Penghu Aquarium


澎湖水族館於1998年成立,爲臺灣首座結合科技研究、社會教育與觀光遊憩等多樣化功能的水族館。但隨著國內各大水族館陸續開幕後,遊客人數逐漸減少。本研究應用SERVQUAL量表,以期望落差模式(Expectation Disconfirmation Paradigm, EDP),調查遊客對澎湖水族館服務品質的滿意度與行爲意向(重遊意願或推薦他人),應用結構方程模式(Structual Equation Modeling, SEM),以LISREL統計軟體進行驗證性因素分析。研究結果顯示:1.澎湖水族館所提供的服務品質大致上符合顧客的期望,即事前期望與事後知覺並無明顯落差現象,但是遊客整體滿意度卻不高。2.遊客事前期望對事後知覺有顯著的正向影響。3.遊客事後知覺對遊客滿意度與行爲意向有顯著正向影響,但事前期望則對遊客滿意度與行爲意向並無顯著影響。4.本研究証實遊客參觀澎湖水族館「事前期望影響事後實際知覺->事後實際知覺影響滿意度->滿意度影響行爲意向」之因果關係。最後針對澎湖水族館的行銷管理與經營模式提出建議以供參考。


The Penghu Aquarium, which was established in 1998, has combined the diverse functions of technical/research, social/ education and tourism/recreation. However, the tourist population of Penghu Aquarium has decreased gradually. In 2005, the operation management of Penghu Aquarium was transferred to Nan Ren Hu Group under the government's policy of Rehabilitate Operate Transfer (ROT). The purpose of this study is to investigate the expected -perceived service gap of Penghu Aquarium, as well as visitor satisfaction and revisiting intention. The SERVQUAL Scale and Expectation Disconfirmation Paradigm are utilized. A survey was conducted in September 2007, and 447 valid questionnaires were collected. A structural model for Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) was applied. The LISREAL 8.54 structural equation analysis package was used to conduct the Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) analysis. The findings are summarized as follows: 1. The service quality of Penghu Aquarium meets the tourist expectation in general, which indicates that the difference between expectation and perceptions/experiences are not significant obvious. Nevertheless, the overall degree of tourist satisfaction is not as high as expected: There is an apparent necessity to enhance the quality of service. 2. Expectation has influence on perceived service; however, expectation has no significant relationship with customer satisfaction and revisit intention. 3.Tourists' perceived service has significant positive influence on the degree of tourists' satisfaction and the revisiting intention. 4. The results confirmed that the expectation has influence on perceived service, and perceived service has impact on customer satisfaction, and customer satisfaction has influence on tourist behavioral intention. Finally, the marketing and management strategies are proposed for the Penghu Aquarium administration.




