  • 期刊


The study of exercise programmes for patients with osteoarthritis




Osteoarthritis (OA) is a chronic degenerative and multifactorial joint disease. OA of the hip is one of the major causes of pain and disability in the older population. It causes pain, disability, reduced quality of life, and increased risk of morbidity and mortality. The general purposes of exercise in osteoarthritis are to reduce pain and stiffness, to preserve or improve range of motion, to restore impaired physical performance and functional status, to maintain joint function and integrity, and to prevent disease progression, secondary complications, and atrophy. Regular exercise can reduce physical impairments and improvements in mobility, risk of falls. Therefore, the purpose of this review was to summarize evidence for the effectiveness and structure of exercise programs on pain in patients with hip OA. Exercises are effective in reducing pain, improving hip range of motions to patients with hip OA, but limited long-term benefit. Conclusions: further studies are needed to effects of long-term exercise training in people with hip OA.


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