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Exploring differences and relations in preference and attitude to reading Taiwan literature




大學生 閱讀行為 科幻 懸疑 閱讀主動性


Diversity can be found in the themes treated by works of Taiwan literature. The exploration of these different themes can help people better understand the various aspects of Taiwan, including its people and history. Examining the previous studies, the researcher finds few relevant researches on college students' preference for themes of Taiwan literature and their reading attitudes toward it. Given that, this study aims to analyze the undergraduates' habits involved in reading Taiwan literature, to investigate the differences and correlations in their preference for themes of Taiwan literary works, and to probe into their reading attitude. In this study, a questionnaire method was used to conduct a survey on Taiwan's college students. A total of 374 valid questionnaires were collected. Through the analysis of the results, it was found that: 1. Among college students of different departments, there was no significant difference in the preference for themes (p>.05), 2. The top three preferred themes of Taiwan literature among the subjects were romance, suspense, and science fiction literary works, 3. The female subjects scored significantly higher than their male counterparts in the preferences for themes on gender, suspense, and romance (p<.05), 4. The subjects who liked to read science fiction literature also liked suspense literature, 5. Those who took the initiative to read Taiwan literature had the lowest preference for science fiction literature, 6. Whether the subjects can obtain pleasure from reading Taiwan literature is positively correlated with their activeness in reading.


王向輝(2017)。「淺閱讀」背景下大學生文學經典閱讀指導。新鄉學院學報,34(8),74 -76。
