  • 期刊


To study a fast screening model on the clinical ventilator weaning


目的:利用次級資料分析法,分析某醫學中心呼吸照護資料,進行臨床呼吸器脫離之簡易評估模型建立。方法:採回溯性斷面研究,資料來源為某醫學中心呼吸照護資料庫。合格樣本為呼吸器使用大於24小時且年齡大於18歲之患者。資料收集期間為2016至2018年。統計評估模型採用每日篩選參數、脫離總分與最終呼吸器脫離結果。研究結果:合格樣本359名,男性241人(67.1%)、女性118人(32.9%),年齡為66.5±16.98歲,疾病嚴重度APACH ΙΙ分數為22.10±7.17,成功脫離呼吸器者235人(65.5%)、失敗者124人(34.5%)。經由邏輯斯迴歸建立每日篩選參數(呼吸衰竭原因解決否、使用鎮靜劑、使用升壓劑、吐氣末陽壓、咳嗽能力、吸入氧濃度及快淺呼吸)與脫離總分評估模型。在模型準確性分析,每日篩選參數之咳嗽能力、快淺呼吸指標及吐氣末陽壓三項指標為關鍵指標,當指標達標時,其呼吸器脫離成功率分別為失敗組的39.045、5.184及2.819倍。而脫離總分之預測模式,其預測敏感性為94.89%、特異性為74.19%、陽性預測值為87.5%、陰性預測值為88.5%、準確率為87.7%。每日篩選參數與脫離總分兩模型均可有效預測呼吸器脫離之成功率。結論:本研究之脫離總分、咳嗽能力與快淺呼吸指標及吐氣末陽壓等自變項,顯著對臨床呼吸器脫離具有高度關聯性(p<.05),可做為臨床快速判別或有效預測呼吸衰竭患者呼吸器脫離之關鍵指標。


Purposes: To study the respiratory care data of a medical center by using the secondary data analysis, and to establish a simple evaluation model for clinical ventilator weaning (CVW). Methods: A retrospective cross-sectional study was conducted, and the data source was from the respiratory care database of a medical center. Eligible samples were patients over 18 years of age with ventilators used for more than 24 hours. The data collection period was from the year 2016 to 2018. The model of statistical evaluation used daily screening parameters (DSPs), total weaning scores (TWS), and the final ventilator weaning result. Results: 359 qualified samples, 241 males (67.1%) and 118 females (32.9%), aged 66.5 ± 16.98 years old, disease severity APACH ΙΙ score was 22.10 ± 7.17, to the end, 235 cases were successfully weaning from the ventilator (65.5%) and 124 failures (34.5%). The DSPs (resolved on respiratory failure, sedatives, vasopressors, positive end-expiratory pressure, cough ability, inspired oxygen concentration, and rapid shallow breathing) and the TWS were established by logistic regression. In the model accuracy analysis, the DSPs of cough ability(CA), fast and shallow breathing index (FSBI), and end-expiratory positive pressure (EPP) were the key indicators. When the indicators reach the standard, the success rate of CVW was 39.045, 5.184, and 2.819 times than in the failure group, respectively. For the prediction mode of TWS, the predictive sensitivity was 94.89%, the specificity was 74.19%, the positive predictive value was 87.5%, the negative predictive value was 88.5%, and the accuracy was 87.7%. Both the DSPs and the TWS can effectively predict the success rate of CVW. Conclusions: In this study, the independent variables such as the TWS, CA, FSBI, and EEP were significantly correlated with CVW (p<.05), which can be used as a fast clinical screening, or to be a key indicator for effectively predicting CVW in patients with respiratory failure.


鏡週刊(2021)。給摯愛的生死課,無效醫療被濫用,健保光呼吸器就年花 122 億。2022/02/11,資料取自 https://www.mirrormedia.mg/story/20210324cul005/


