  • 期刊


The Study on the Thought Relationship between Lu-Shi Chun-Qiu and Zhuangzi - Centered on Life Nourishment Theory




According to most of researchers, like Dr. Guying Chen and Dr. Tieji Xiong, the core ideology of LuShi Chungiu was considered to be Taoism. However, the author reviewed and discovered that more quotations in LuShi Chungiu actually came from Zhuangzi. In accordance with Shu-Min Wang's statistics, more than 30 texts in LuShi Chungiu were directly quoted from Zhuangzi. In this connection, the author made further study and the purposes of this research are as follows: On the one hand, the author attempted to analyze whether continuity existed between the two, and how LuShi Chungiu interpreted the thought of Zhuangzi. Centering on Life Nourishment Theory, the author compared and examined the two thoroughly, and concluded how LuShi Chungiu absorbed and transformed from the thought of Zhuangzi. On the other hand, Dr. Fanzhi Wang claimed in his Study of LuShi Chungiu that the thought of Zhuangzi was preserved and quoted the most in it. However, it is well-known that the core ideology of LuShi Chungiu was governance, which was quite different from the thought of Zhuangzi. The author tried to make a thorough inquiry about how the compilers of LuShi Chungiu resolved the paradox in such a dilemma.


余宗發:《先秦諸子學說在秦地之發展》,臺北:文津出版社,1998 年。
呂思勉:《呂著中國通史》,上海:華東師範大學出版社,1992 年。
傅武光:《呂氏春秋與諸子之關係》,臺北:私立東吳大學中國學術著作獎助委員會,1993 年。
熊鐵基:《秦漢新道家》,上海:上海人民出版社,2001 年。
牟鐘鑒:《呂氏春秋與淮南子思想研究》,濟南:齊魯書社,1987 年。
