  • 期刊


Modern Poetic Form and Theory of Love: Xu Chi's Literary Practice in Shanghai (1933-1937)




徐遲 二十歲人 摩登 婦人畫報 戀愛論


Xi Chi was representative of translating Ameican modern poetry during 1930s in Shanghai. After Second Sino-Japanese War, he committed to reportage. However, his first work Twenty-Yeard Old Man published in 1936, was a remarkable case which illuminated the modernity of metro life in Shanghai. This study seeks to revisit the meanings in his poetry in 1933 to 1937. Part I indicates science material and concepts in Xu Chi's poems, including transparency and Geology, revealing a modern form of the sources of poetry. Part II points out that most of his works in Fu Ren Hua Bao( 婦人畫報) were impacted by visual culture; therefore, they represent modern poetic form. Part III analyzes how Xu Chi construct his theory of love by contributing several essays and conté ( 掌篇小說). These aspects are the crux of Chinese modernity in 1930s.


1930s Shanghai modern potery modernity Fu Ren Hua Bao


屠蒙:〈文壇畫虎錄:歐外歐徐遲與林英强〉,《十日談》,第 41 期,1934 年 10 月,頁 237-238。
張英超:〈無色透明時代〉,《漫畫界》,第 5 期,1936 年 8月,無頁碼。
章錫琛:〈風靡世界之未來主義〉,《東方雜誌》,第 11 卷第 2 期,1914 年 8 月,頁 6-8。
郭沫若:〈未來派的詩約及其批評〉,《創造週報》,第 17 期,1923 年 9 月,頁 1-6。
陶報:〈評「二十歲人」〉,《新詩》,第 6 期,1937 年 3 月,頁 494-497。
