  • 期刊


The Writing of Kaoding Poem by Yuan Mei and Xingling School, and The Repulsion of Kaoding Poem to the Bixing Tradition




袁枚 考訂詩 比興 咏物


Yuan mei is known by his criticism of evidential research, as he claimed that the engagement in evidential research will exert inference on the soul of a poet. Yuan Mei indeed did not reject the poetry referencing the clarification of knowledge, but disliked the replacement of poetry by evidential research, which lead to changes of poet’s style. Hence, Yuan Mei, as well as poets from Xingling school, also produced poetic works referencing evidential research, which was a fashion in the Qianlong-Jiaqing-period. From the prospective of poetic style, the lack of both Bixing (analogy and metaphor) and the emotional expression in the works of Kaoding poetry has been criticized for a long time, so that Kaoding poetry is hard to be found among writings of literary history and selective readers of poetry. Yuan Mei and poets in the Qianlong-Jiaqing- period must know about the differences between such the poetry genre and the yongwu (thing) tradition, which trends to deliver lyrical expressions through things and Bixing. Through a number of experimental poetry writings, those poets aimed to develop a brand-new method of literary writing of things. By exploring such the intensive writing style and criticism history, we can find that the dominance of Bixing tradition is so powerful that poetry genres out of the mainstream usually fade away. We can also see the concern, struggle, and transformation of poets within the process of poetic experiment.


Yuan Mei Kaoding poetry Bixing Yongwu


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