  • 期刊


Patriotic Voyage and Reconstruction of Overseas Chinese: A Study on the Discourses of Overseas Chinese Festival in Newspapers During the Early Stage of Cold War (1952-1971)




The Kuomintang (KMT) government announced October 21 as the Overseas Chinese Festival with the common doctrine "One heart at home and abroad, and work together to save the hometown and the country" in 1953. As a new post-war festival, the Overseas Chinese Festival not only produced the anti-communist ideology of "all over the world," but also built the new face of post-war overseas Chinese. The patriotic voyage of overseas Chinese during the annual festival reflected the Cold War circumstances, the changes in the situation at home and abroad, and the power control mode of the anti-communist regime in Taiwan. This paper uses the early stage of Cold War (1952-1971) as the discussion period, and regards the Festival as a "new tradition" with the characteristics of continuation and reconstruction, and examines the relevant discourses in Central Daily News and United Daily News. This paper takes festival as the "non-daily time" and tries to explain the activities and ceremonies, which were held during that time. This Festival produced the worldview of the Chinese culture and nation and allowed local residents in Taiwan to know overseas Chinese, and also give an opportunity to the overseas Chinese to gain self-identity and pride through their patriotic voyage. On the one hand, these discourses present how the KMT government, as the agent of the "orthodox China," reconstructed the value of overseas Chinese in the post-war Taiwan; on the other hand, it produced and shaped the anti-communist consciousness on and off the island of Taiwan, and then practiced the anti-communist propaganda.


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