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Discuss the Eighteen Scholars' Literature Producing and Literature Activities of the Early Tang Dynasty




十八學士 唐代 詩歌 古文 詩文總集


The Eighteen Scholars who were under Li Shimin's command is an important literatus society with political tint. This study aims to their literature producing and literature activities. Literarily, they corrected the gorgeous fashion of writing poetry and leaded the literature into the graceful and straight direction in the early Tang Dynasty. In terms of the amount of their poetry, the poems did for emperor' asked were the most. But this kind of poetry made a negative impact on the Tang Poetry. On the other hand, Feast Tour Poetry improved the poet’s production quality and made a positive impact on the Tang Poetry. And Frontier Poetry emerged during the period, too. Besides, they also wrote ancient prose and compiled many anthologies of poems and articles. Former, they combined political and art function. Latter, they can collate predecessors' articles.
