  • 期刊


The Study of Visitor Characteristics, Place Attachment, Environmentally Responsible Behavior and Behavioral Intention - The Case of Qianjiangyuan National Park




This study explored the impact of place attachment (place dependence and place identity) on environmentally responsible behavior and behavioral intentions and investigated the differences of visitor characteristics toward these four constructs. The Qianjiangyuan National Forest Park was chosen as the survey area, and purposive sampling was used for the distribution of the questionnaire. A total of 400 questionnaires were distributed, and 398 valid questionnaires were obtained, and data processing and analysis were verified by t-testing, ANOVA analysis, post-testing, and regression analysis. The results show that there were significant differences among visitor characteristics toward place attachment. In addition, the higher the place dependence and place identity of tourists, the higher it was for them to have environmentally responsible behavior and behavioral intentions, which shows that the degree of place attachment affects the behavior of tourists. In the future, if management can enhance the place attachment of visitors and strengthen the emotional connection between national parks and visitors, it may be helpful to improve the environmental protection and tourism management of national parks.


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