  • 期刊


The Development, Publication, and Implementation of Japanese e-Learning Based on CTLJ


「以CTLJ為本之日語線上數位學習教材」是以方便日語學習者在使用學習者語料庫CTLJ之時,亦可參考由日語母語者所撰寫之同題範例作文,有助於以日語學習為目的開發之日語線上數位學習教材。本文介紹本系統之作法、用法、以及課堂試用結果。本系統提供(A)日語母語者使用CTLJ各作文題目之高頻詞及句型寫成之範例作文、(B)作文之朗讀音聲檔、(C)關鍵字之相關例句、多媒體影片之連結、(D)句型之例句、(E)練習問題等功能。本系統之網址為http://corpora.flld.ncku.edu.tw/japanese/multimedia/index.html。期待本系統有助於學習者提升日語之讀解、聽解能力與學習策略。另外, 希望藉由本系統之公開,對教育資源共享之實現可略盡棉薄之力。


Japanese e-Learning based on CTLJ" assists learners of the Japanese language using CTLJ by offering model compositions on the same theme written by native Japanese, allowing them to parallel and compare texts as references. This new learning aid is attached to the site of the existing CTLJ. This paper introduced the procedure of developing and the methods of using the system and its classroom application. Thematically arranged compositions provides (A) model compositions written by Japanese native speakers which incorporate high frequency words and grammar that are also used in Japanese language learners' composition on the same theme, (B) the audio of each composition, (C) example sentences and links to YouTube in relation to each key word, (D) examples of each sentence pattern, and (E) exercises, etc. The website of this e-Learning system: http://corpora.flld.ncku.edu.tw/japanese/multimedia/index.html. This system might facilitate learners' skills of comprehension and listening as well as their learning strategies. In addition, opening the system up to the public would help develop and promote open educational resources.


CTLJ e-Learning Japanese learning strategy resource sharing


経済産業省商務情報政策局情報処理振興課( 編) (2005)『e ラーニング白書─ 2005/2006 年版』東京: オーム社
石崎俊子( 2007)「中級日本語聴解コンピュータ教材( IJLC) の開発と授業実践」『日本語教育方法研究会誌』14( 1 ), 42-43
石崎俊子( 2011)「日本語教育のためのe ラーニング教材開発─TNeとよた日本語e ラーニング─ 」『日本語教育方法研究会誌』18( 1 ), 36-37
加藤由里香(2008)『日本語e ラーニング教材設計モデルの基礎的研究』東京:ひつじ書房
