  • 期刊


從生態女性主義視域閱讀亞歷塞維奇《車諾比的悲鳴》|A reading from the perspective of eco feminism Svetlana Alexandrovna Alexievich 's "Chernobyl prayer"




關於女性勇於面對威脅人類生存一大危機論述上,生態女性主義研究立下了莫大的功績。鑒此本人立志從事女性與環繞女性之社會.環境關係上提出完整體系的研究成果。立足初啼之際,擬依據生態女性主義的理論,考察榮獲2015年諾貝爾文學獎桂冠亞歷塞維奇之《車諾比的悲鳴》。考察結果顯示:《車諾比的悲鳴》主軸可整理成「車諾比人」用語之出現、比戰爭還悲慘的車諾比現況、抵制國家絕對權威三點。並從此結果浮現出,慘遭車諾比核能發電廠事故的受害者之苦難與俄國境內民族紛爭的複雜慘況。再深入思考「再次質疑產生一切壓迫之權力支配關係」之際,順從國家政策之兵士、志願役、或是支撐權力結構一員的核心共産黨員之男性們,倍感來自於國家權威之壓迫,不選擇沉默地接受而提出質疑的態度。另一方面女性們對於絕對威嚴的國家政策感到極度不合理且毅然對抗爭取。透過生態女性主義理論解析之男性與女性在面對國家權大機器時展現的態度,正是證明生態女性主義理論之極高可行性。|Regarding the relationship between the great catastrophe that threatened the survival of human beings and the female activity, the development of research by eco-feminism is remarkable. Therefore, as the first attempt to study the society and the environment surrounding women and women being in a literary system, this paper has studied Alexievich 's "Chernobyl prayer" award winning Nobel Prize for literature in 2015 based on eco feminism. As a result of this paper, the center of this work could be summarized into three points: the birth of the term "Chernobyl men", the disastrous reality of Chernobyl rather than war, and the resistance to the absolute authority of the state. The results suggest that the hardships of the people who encountered the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant and the misery of ethnic conflict over Russia are emerging. Furthermore, considering the "reconsider control relations that produce all suppression", considering soldiers, volunteers who follow the national policy and Communist men who engaged in the support system felt the oppression from the state. They showed an attitude of skepticism without silence accepting. Women also felt unreasonable national policies absolutely, and fought strongly. These behavior of anonymous citizens in these work will prove the validity of eco feminism.


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