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Preliminary Study on the Museum Special Exhibition Marketing Strategy-An Example of Millet and His Time: Masterpieces from the Musee d'Orsay Exhibition


本文係爲暸解博物館特展之行銷策略,特以「驚豔米勒-田園之美畫展」爲研究個案,並以文獻分析法與訪談法進行研究。 本研究發現,米勒展成功吸引人潮之因素包含:展品符合觀眾需求、門票定價合理、地點便利、宣傳與溝通管道充分與暢通等。其行銷策略以媒體宣傳爲主,以開發文化商品、舉辦活動、藝企合作等爲輔;媒體宣傳中,又以電視與報章雜誌之宣傳效果最強,同時採名人加持、多元議題報導等方式進行,帶動絡繹不絕之參觀人潮。此外,米勒展之行銷計畫符合Hill等學者(2003)所提藝術行銷計畫過程之四個階段:分析、計畫、溝通、行動,建構出有效的行銷策略,達成行銷之任務與目標。 最後,本研究提出幾項建議,以供參考:一、成立行銷專責小組,使得行銷計畫更加順利進行。二、進行展前評量,瞭解觀眾之實際需求。三、導入Kotler等學者(2006)所提全面行銷觀念,即內部行銷、整合行銷、關係行銷、社會責任行銷四大構面,面面俱到,同時考量觀眾、員工、與社會的福祉。四、參觀人次與參觀品質之間取其平衡,讓觀眾在舒適的環境中領會藝術。五、進行完整的觀眾調查,包括觀眾基本資料、參觀行爲、滿意度、學習效果之調查,以真正瞭解觀眾的反映,與社會教育的成效,作爲重要參考依據。


博物館 特展 超級特展 行銷 行銷策略


To understand the museum special exhibition marketing strategy, this paper applies ”Millet and his time: Masterpieces from the Musee d'Orsay Exhibition” as the study case, and applies the literature analysis method and interview method to the study. The study found that the successful factors for the exhibition to attract people include: the exhibits meet people's demand, reasonable ticket price, convenient location, full publicity and smooth communication channel. The marketing strategy focused on media publicity coupled with developing cultural products, holding activities, and arts and business cooperation. In media publicity, the publicity of television, newspaper and magazines have the strongest publicity effect. At the same time, it is processed with celebrities' recommendations, and diversified reports, which brings more and more visitors. In addition, the marketing plan of the Exhibition meets the four stages of the arts marketing plan process proposed by Hill, O'Sullivan and O'Sullivan (2003): analyze, plan, communicate, and act to construct an effective marketing strategy and achieve the mission and goal of marketing. Finally, the study has proposed some recommendations for reference: (1) Set up a special marketing unit to allow marketing plans to be processed more smoothly. (2) Adopt a pre-exhibition evaluation to understand audience's needs. (3) Introduce the holistic marketing concept proposed by Kotler, Keller, Ang, Leong and Tan (2006), which is to consider the four dimensions of internal marketing, integrated marketing, relationship marketing, and societal marketing, and at the same time consider the benefits of audiences, employees and the society. (4) Balance the visitors and quality to allow audiences to admire arts in a comfortable environment. (5) Process comprehensive audience surveys, including the basic information, visiting behavior, satisfaction, and learning effect survey of the audiences to truly understand the audience reflection and the effectiveness of social education, and apply them as the important reference.


周美惠(2008)。十大好展覽,米勒拔頭籌。聯合報。2010 年7 月25 日, 取自 http://money.udn.com/mag/report/storypage.jsp?f_ART_ID=167804


