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Taiwan's Economic Development Momentum: Extension and Challenges of Strategies Economic Development Area




"Strategically Economic Development Area" is the approach that Government substantially loosens the restrictions of materials, financials and labors to create a free capital movement investment environment under liberalization and internationalization concept. By doing so, we are able to attract both domestic and international enterprises to invest actively, accelerate the transformations of industries and resolve the difficulties from changes of globalization that Taiwan is facing for the time being. People in Taiwan are yet to reach the consensus regarding high economic liberalization to connect with global economy while we are concerned and divergent on the issues of cross-strait relations. To avoid the huge impact by wholly open, we should select certain and respectively small regions for trial run. In terms of industries, we could mainly consider high value service industry as well as manufacturing industry as the secondary. If it turns out the positive effect which justifies appropriate impact and helps to attract more investment to increase the competitive edge for Taiwan's economy, it is recommended to extend to all regions in the country and meanwhile we are making advantageous conditions for Taiwan to participate TPP and RECP. Whereas the above situations have been existing, this paper is to discuss the essence and operations of strategically economic development area, analyze its effectiveness and impact and reckon the necessity of the development. Nonetheless, we need to also consider the elements of the technology transfer, foreign capital in flow as well as the merchandise. By utilizing the strategic adjustment, we can make strategically economic development area run effectively and become the economic momentum for Taiwan. Yet, if the trial run is not as expected, we need to declare clearly and create adjustment, control and recovery mechanism to prevent the misgivings in the country.


