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AFL Majors' Responses to and Attitudes toward EGT at a National Technical University in the Mid-South of Taiwan


本研究目的在於探討台灣中南部某國立科技大學應外系學生,對英語畢業門檻及配套措施的看法,受測學生共426位,男生75人,女生351人。透過問卷調查的結果,重要結論如下: 一、以全部受測學生來看,近八成的受測學生同意設立英語畢業門檻,且八成以上的受測學生同意英語畢業門檻對於未來升學與就業都有幫助。在此同時,有八成以上的受測學生認為英語畢業門檻具有刺激學生學習的效果,有九成以上的學生瞭解畢業門檻的規定及通過標準,並同意達到標準給予獎助學金。二、以性別來看,各項平均值相差介於0.03與0.23之間,由此可知男女生對於問卷各項內容的看法相近或差異不大。三、以年級來看,年級越高越知道畢業門檻的規定及標準,其中以四年級最高(97.57%;平均值為4.60),一年級最低(83.15%;平均值為4.04);對於「英語畢業門檻的標準太高」,四年級最不同意(41.46%;平均值為2.49),二年級最同意但仍傾向中立(26.00%;平均值為3.03);此外,其他各項平均值相差介於0.06 與0.35之間,表示各年級學生對其他問卷內容看法相近或差異不大,對英語畢業門檻的設立表達了認同與支持。


This study aimed to investigate 426 Applied-Foreign-Languages (AFL) majors’ (M: 75; F: 351) perceptions of the English Graduation Threshold (EGT) at a national technological university in the mid-south of Taiwan. Through the results of questionnaires, several significant conclusions were made. Firstly, nearly 80% of all the responding students agreed to set the EGT; more than 80% agreed that the EGT could help them to apply for graduate schools in their future, to find a better job in their future, and to motivate their learning; more than 90% of the responding students knew the requirements and rules of the EGT and agreed with the required standard to get scholarships. Secondly, from the perspective of gender, the average mean differences of all the items are in between 0.03 and 0.23, and this indicated that male and female responding students’ attitudes to all the questionnaire items were almost the same or very slightly different. Thirdly, from the perspective of grades, more responding seniors (97.57%; M=4.60) knew the requirements and rules of the EGT than the other responding students, especially freshmen (83.15%; M=4.04); the responding seniors (41.46%; M=2.49) tended to disagree with the statement, "The EGT score is too high," most and the responding sophomores (26.00%; M=3.03) tended to agree with it most but their attitude still tended to be neutral; all the four grades’ responding students’ attitudes towards the other items were almost the same or mildly different because the average mean differences of these items were in between 0.06 and 0.35, which indicated that all the four grades tended to support the EGT.


欣蓉的教學網誌(2014)。English Graduation Threshold for Some Colleges in Taiwan–各大專院校外語能力畢業門檻。擷取自http://june.ettachou.com/2012/07/29/english-graduation-threshold-for-some-colleges-in-taiwan-%E5%90%84%E5%A4%A7%E5%B0%88%E9%99%A2%E6%A0%A1%E5%A4%96%E8%AA%9E%E8%83%BD%EF%A6%8A%E7%95%A2%E6%A5%AD%E9%96%80%E6%AA%BB/
政治大學新聞學系實習媒體(2011,4 月15-21日)。學者:英文畢業門檻不合理。大學報,1495 。擷取自http://www.uonline.nccu.edu.tw/index_content.asp?sn=1&an=10211
