  • 期刊


Research on Dong Zhongshu's "Xiaojing yi"




Chunqiu fanlu, remnants a large number of Dong Zhongshu's explanations of Xiaojing, but there is no any record for Dong's achievement in Hanshu•Yiwenzhi which has only represented the other scholars' work during Premier Han. This paper aims to clarify and combine four articles written by Dong Zhongshu in the book of Chunqiu fanlu, which demonstrated Xiaojing specifically by analyzing the literature and the history. The ideas in Xiaojing were advocated in line with the political needs of the Han dynasty rulers. Dong Zhongshu suggested a complete theoretical support to make a reasonable theory to perfect the idea of “filial piety for the emperor” in the book of Xiaojing which became an equated code of conduct as well as Chunqiu in Post Han dynasty.


戰國Zhanguo‧墨翟Mo Di 撰,《墨子》Mozi,上海[Shanghai]:商務印書館[Sangwu yinshuguan],1929 年《四部叢刊》上海涵芬樓影印明嘉靖刻本[Sibu Congkan Shanghai Hanfenlou yingyin Ming Jiajing keben]。
戰國Zhanguo‧孟軻Meng Ke 撰,漢Han‧趙岐Zhao Qi 注,《孟子》Mengzi,上海[Shanghai]:商務印書館[Sangwu yinshuguan],1929 年《四部叢刊》上海涵芬樓影印清內務府藏宋刊本[Sibu Congkan Shanghai Hanfenlou yingyin Qing neiwufucang Song kanben]。
戰國Zhanguo‧韓非Han Fei 撰,《韓非子》Hanfeizi,上海[Shanghai]:商務印書館[Sangwu yinshuguan],1929 年《四部叢刊》上海涵芬樓藏黃蕘圃校宋本[Sibu Congkan Shanghai Hanfenlou cang Huang Yaopu jiao Songben]。
(1980)。十三經注疏。北京=Beijing:中華書局=Zhonghua shuju。
漢Han‧韓嬰Han Ying 撰,《韓詩外傳》Hanshi waizhuan,上海[Shanghai]:商務印書館[Sangwu yinshuguan],1929 年《四部叢刊》上海涵芬樓影印明沈氏野竹齋刊本[Sibu Congkan Shanghai Hanfenlou yingyin Ming Shenshi Yezhuzhai kanben]。

