  • 期刊


Discussion and Reflection on Work Adjustment of A Special Education Teacher with Cerebral Palsy




In view of the fact that employment is of great significance to people with cerebral palsy participating in social life, it is not easy for them to enter a professional workplace to compete with ordinary people. Furthermore, domestic research on the work adjustment of cerebral palsy is lacking. This research focuses on a special education teacher with cerebral palsy who has served as a substitute teacher for 17 years. The case study explores the process from a cerebral palsy student to a special education teacher, along with his work adjustment process after entering the education workplace. Through the process, we analyze the factors that affect the work adjustment of cerebral palsy. This research adopts a case study method, and the data collection includes interviews and document collection methods. The results of the study have three findings: (1) Factors that are conducive to the case's preparation for employment: the case's adaptation to the integrated education environment, the parents do not over-protect and develop their independent character, the case has great enthusiasm for special education services. Coupled with legal protection and professional training for teacher training, there are mentors along the way to encourage and help the case identify self-worth (2) Difficulties of casework and adjustment process: The cases served 17 schools. The main work dilemmas included traffic problems, physical inability to handle, salary gap, supervisory attitude, student discipline, communication with colleagues, emotional problems, etc. In the end, the case continues to advance through psychological construction. (3) The factors that affect employment adjustment include both personal and environmental aspects. Personal factors are the ability to accept self-deficiencies and overcome psychological barriers questioned by others. Work environment factors are the interpersonal support resources in the workplace and the obstacles faced by people, things, etc.


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