  • 期刊


The Study of the Implementation of Peer Mentoring Methodology in University of Technology




The main purposes of technical and vocational collegesare to satisfy immediate industry manpower needs; to provide students the opportunities in the workplace; and to ensure the qualification of the students are in line with the expectations and requirements of employers. However, there is significant gap between the supply (qualified students) and demand (job opportunities). The number of qualified students may not match the number of available employment opportunities. To address this problem, Department of Commercial Technology Management of Chihlee University of Technology has implemented a "Mentoring" program since 2011.The goal of this program is to motivate students to learn how to apply the knowledge they obtained in the classroom into workplace. The content of this "Mentoring" program is to combine "Mentoring" methodology with "Peer Learning" methodology and the "Mentoring" component of "Peer Mentoring" methodology. This study reviews and summarizes various research literatures. The goal is to explore the differences and similarities among "Peer Mentoring", "Mentoring" and the critical success factors of "Peer Learning" implementation of "Peer Mentoring". The result of this study will provide suggestions to improve the Peer Mentoring program of Department of Commercial Technology Management of Chihlee Univesity of Technology and at the same time will be likely to contribute to the overall "Peer Mentoring" research.


peer mentoring peer learning mentoring


