  • 期刊


The Influence of Printing Color on Gloss of Highly Reflective Surface-Take Vacuum Aluminumized Paper as Example


隨著科技發展逐漸成熟,以及書籍印刷需求漸少的情況下,包裝印刷嚴然成為各大家競爭之地,而各種炫目材質的特殊印刷領域便有著高度先天優勢;另一方面,隨著設計師、品牌商對於產品品質的要求日益增高,在國際間印刷標準認證似乎快成為在這個行業的最低門檻,雖說在一般常見紙材中印刷標準化管理已有眾多的研究,對於高度鏡面反射(高光澤度)材質上的品質管理,卻沒有明確的規範,消費者本最著重的高反射效果卻往往變為印刷中最不可預期的表現。本研究將使用真空鍍鋁紙代表擁有鏡面反射光的實驗基材,並使用灰平衡方法進行曲線校正,於數位印刷機HP Indigo 6800進行印製作業,對導表上之網點%、色度、光澤度進行數據的蒐集並利用數學統計方法進行分析;經過分析及對其結果進行討論,本研究發現在本次實驗之材料上,色度(La*b*)在經過主成分分析後並進行迴歸模型建立,比起容易受印版曲線影響之網點%,較有效對光澤度進行預測,在應用層面上可供設計師作為產品表現效果的參考,挑選適合之色彩同時兼顧其光澤效果。


As the development of the technology become mature, and the decrease using of the Cultural paper printing. Package printing have become a new battlefield for companies to compete. One the other hand, with the increasing requirements of designers and brand owners for product quality. The printing standard certification seems to be the lowest threshold between countries in this industry. Although there have been many studies on the printing standardization management of common paper materials. When it comes to highly specular (high-gloss) materials. There is no clear specification. High-reflection effects, which are most important to consumers, often become the most unpredictable performance in printing process. The study will use vacuum aluminized paper as the experimental substrate with specular reflection. Using gray balance method to perform curve calibration on the digital printing HP Indigo 6800 for the printing process. Eventually collect the information of color and gloss on the color test chart and analyze with statistic calculate method. After analyzing and discussing the results, study found that based on the materials of this experiment. Compared with the dot% variable that is easily affected by the printing plate curve, chromaticity (La*b*) variable is more effective for predicting gloss. This can be used by designers as a reference for product performance at the application level, selecting suitable colors while not losing the gloss effect.
