  • 期刊


Confucian scholars' response and transcendence to buddhist thought of reincarnation - Taking Luo Jinxi and Xiong Shili as the research centers




Confucian scholars in different periods have their own responses to Buddhism's idea of reincarnation. Luo Jinxi clearly acknowledged the existence of reincarnation, but according to his Confucian standpoint, Jinxi put forward "Sigubusi" due to his profound conscience, trying to transcend the reincarnation of Buddhism, and then put forward the life philosophy of "Born to be a saint, and return back to vanity after death". Xiong Shili, on the other hand, regarded the thought of reincarnation as the marrow of the buddhist worldly dharma system, and broke away from the buddhist view of reincarnation with the cosmic ontology of "Shengshengbuyi" and the theme of "everything is illusion". Luo and Xiong, based on the ontology of mind and the ontology of universe, respectively, respond to transcend the Buddhist theory of reincarnation, which represents the two typical approaches taken by the Confucians in the face of the challenge of the Buddhist theory of reincarnation.


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