  • 期刊


Analysis of "Zhi"in Laozi and The Four Articles of Guanzi




From Laozi to Jixia Academic, the focus of thought has shifted markedly, that is, from emptiness, quietness and inaction, to the growing emphasis on effectiveness. In Laozi, the sage attempts to reach the state of "zhi" by conforming to "self-so", and derives the "autonomy" of "I do nothing (of purpose), and the people will be transformed of themselves." The Four Articles of Guanzi discuss "zhi", which spans the facets of "autonomy" to "govern people." The starting point for these convictions is "self-mind", that is "govern yourself", and to govern your spirit, to shape your body, to take Virtue, then rule the world and people. It can be said that The Four Articles of Guanzi transformed several concepts of Laozi and formed a set of ideas of management and governance. This article takes Laozi and The Four Articles of Guanzi as the scope of the research, sets out to analyze "zhi" and other concepts, to discern the similarities and differences between the two ideas of "zhi". It concludes that we can register several meanings in this transformation, in order to interpret the changing thought of Taoist Laozi and Jixia Academic.


Laozi The Four Articles of Guanzi Jixia Academic zhi


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