  • 期刊


Exploration of Women who have been Abused and Seek Body-Mind-Spirit Healing Services for Recovery




This study explored body-mind-spirit healing services sought by women who have been abused, and investigated the womens' experiences with such services. A two-stage research approach was adopted, which combines quantitative and qualitative methods. This paper primarily presents the qualitative results, obtained from 15 semistructured interviews conducted by 12 service agencies on a sample of women who had experienced domestic violence. The findings reveal that the women benefited from using a range of body- (i.e., hospital treatment; hot springs), mind- (i.e., counseling; talking with people they trusted), and spirit- (i.e. praying in a temple; mediation) healing services. Most experiences of using these services were perceived as either positive or negative by the women. Body-mind-spirit healing services are offered by various organizations. Therefore, strengthening collaboration between formal and informal services enables women who have been abused to receive benefits from an integrated service network. Overall, the provision of body-mind-spirit interventions increases the prospect of a successful transition toward a new and improved life for these women. Study limitations and directions for future research are also presented in this paper.


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