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An Empirical Analysis of Japanese Innovation Business Model in Retail Apparel Industry, "Uniqulo", "Muji", and "Shimamura"


在全球競爭環境下,服飾零售業的利潤日趨衰退,特別是面對消費者需求的多元化,以及時裝流行之變化迅速,促使商品的生命週期變短,使得服飾零售業面對前所未有的課題。在日本景氣低迷的時候, 百貨公司、超市的營業額也都陷於低迷。但是「UNIQLO」、「MUJI」、「SHIMAMURA」在日本不景氣期間每年的營業額、營業淨利都是2位數的成長,是少數成長企業之代表。有鑑於此,本研究採用個案研究方式,對日本的「UNIQLO」、「MUJI」、「SHIMAMURA」做個案的質化分析,了解日本服飾零售業的市場策略,如何做出市場區隔,並對整個供應鏈體系做生產預測,以及物流管理的能力。另一方面,不斷的進行服務創新(Servers Capability)與實驗性學習(Experimental Learning)也對企業績效也有顯著的影響。本研究的三個案都能夠持續發現自擁優勢並不斷的創新,與競爭者做出區隔方法,產生持續性的競爭優勢,在企業組織逐漸膨脹的過程中,不被新的一波企業取代,就要不斷地推陳出新,才能保留在市場的地位。本研究希望透過剖析日本服飾零售的成功個案,做為國內廠商之借鏡。


The products of retail industries which are mainly livelihood necessaries are classified to low profits and high turnover rates. In the global competitive environment, the profits are decreasing day by day. For the consumers' diverse demands and the rapid changes of fashion industries, the retail apparel industry has faced the biggest challenge than ever so that it has shortened the periodicity of products.The economy in Japan busted in the bubble economy from 1991 to 2002 and followed the long-term depression. The decade was called ”heiseihukyou” or ”a lost decade”. In the period of depression, the sales amount of department stores and supermarkets is also at the low level. However, ”Uniqlo”, ”Muji”, and ”Shimamura” have a double-digit growth in benefits every year during the period. They are a few representatives of growing enterprises.In this research method, the case study of ”Uniqlo”, ”Muji”, and ”Shimamura” by using was adopted empirical analysis to identify business strategy. Through interviews with shop managers, we have realized that the retail apparel industry had to predict the whole supply chain and the ability of logistic management to play an important role for the success of the enterprises. Furthermore, Servers Capability and Experimental Learning have great influences on performance of the firms. We hope this research will be a guideline to the enterprises in Taiwan by analyzing the successful cases in Japanese retail apparel industries.


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