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由於社會經濟福祉及醫療水準提升,國人平均壽命普遍延長,我國已於1993年正式邁入「高齡化的社會」,長期照顧的需求也隨之增加。為了積極落實長期照護服務,行政院於2007年4月核定我國長期照顧十年計畫,並於2017實施長期照顧十年計畫2.0(簡稱長照2.0)。為探討民眾對於長照2.0服務的使用意願,本研究利用結構方程模式(Structural Equation Modeling, SEM),進行長照2.0的認知有用性、政策認同、滿意度與使用意願之研究。本研究採用便利抽樣法隨機發放的問卷調查方式,問卷採不記名式作答,問卷總回收數為310份,有效問卷為300份。本研究之結果顯示,當民眾對長照2.0服務之認知有用性愈高,則對其滿意度與政策認同亦會提高;而滿意度亦會影響民眾對政策之認同。此外,政策認同會影響民眾對於長照2.0服務的使用意願,且政策認同在長照2.0服務認知有用性與使用意願間具有中介效果。由於民眾對於長照2.0之政策認同受外界因素影響,因此長照2.0需要大力宣傳,使民眾對此長照服務有更多的認識以及增加認知長照服務的有用性,以提高政策認同與長照服務使用意願,讓長照服務能落實至更多需要的民眾。


Due to the improvement of social and medical care programs, the average life expectancy of Taiwanese people has generally increased. In 1993, Taiwan officially stepped into the "aging society." As the life expectancy increases and the aging phenomenon grows, the need for long-term care services is a critical issue for life quality. To actively implement long-term care services, the Executive Yuan executed a ten-year long-term care plan in April 2007 and implemented the long-term care ten-year plan 2.0 (referred to as long-term care 2.0) in 2017. In order to explore the public's willingness to use long-term care 2.0 services, this research uses confirmatory factor analysis and structural equation modeling to explore the intention of using long-term care services in Taiwan. By convenience sampling method, 310 questionnaires were collected, and the total number of valid samples was about 300. The results show that perceived usefulness significantly affects the policy satisfaction and policy identification of Long-Term Care Plan 2.0. Policy satisfaction has a significant positive effect on policy identification. The results also reveal that policy identification positively influences the intention of using long-term care services. Also, the perceived usefulness affects the usage intention through the mediating effect of policy identification. As the public's policy recognition of long-term care 2.0 is affected by external factors, long-term care 2.0 needs to be vigorously promoted to make the public more aware of this long-term care service. The promotion can increase their awareness of the usefulness of long-term care services to improve policy identification and long-term care services.


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