  • 期刊


The Legal and Social Implications of Real-time Driver's Physiological State Monitoring Facilities


根據交通事故統計分析,都會型交通工具、計程車、卡車專業駕駛員,疲勞駕駛是造成公共交通死亡事故的重要原因之一。又都會型交通工具駕駛員較一般人罹患心臟病、高血壓及糖尿病發生機率偏高,醫學研究工作者歸納為複雜的社會原因、生理因素和職業環境因素造成職業駕駛員身體之過度負荷,基於上述醫學研究之概念,車上備有衛星導航、無線射頻辨識系統(RFID)以及生理訊號量測及判斷技術平台,有效監控駕駛員行駛位置及評估駕駛員的生理疲勞程度,在e化設備的交通工具上傳送駕駛員生理疲倦象徵參數、影像、聲音等信號,藉由腦波圖及錄影設備,判斷司機是否有打磕睡之情形;另以心電圖及肌電圖判斷司機的自主神經系統及肌肉鬆弛狀態,藉以評估司機之疲勞程度,適時調度或置換駕駛員,以維護乘客權利,提高大眾交通工具之服務品質。 然而數位化科技帶給人類的並不全是快捷與便利,過度資訊化的開發與應用會不會侵犯個人的隱私?資訊高速社會是否會侵犯個人應有之私密及人性尊嚴?本文主要為探討三個方向:(一)為提高大眾交通工具之安全性,交通車輛駕駛安全與定位識別系統製作及應用,是否可能侵害駕駛或乘客之應有之合理隱私權之期待,(二)交通車輛駕駛安全與定位識別系統製作及應用,是否造成古典制約反應,侵犯車輛駕駛者應有之人性尊嚴。(三)合理雇傭契約關係之制定以及駕駛雇員之工作權之保障。


Professional drivers of urban transportation, such as taxies and trucks, are more prone to fatigue and suffer a higher rate of cardiovascular disease, hypertension and diabetes than non-professional drivers. Medical researchers attribute this phenomenon to complex social factors, physiological factors and occupational environment factors that lead to subjecting the professional driver's body to an excessive workload. Based on the aforesaid medical research concept, vehicles can be equipped with a fingerprint recognizer, GPS, wireless frequency identification system (RFID) and a physiological measuring and technical assessment platform to verify the state of the driver, the vehicle's location, and to asses the driver's level of physical fatigue. The driver's physical fatigue metrics, visual images and sound signals can be transmitted and processed to asses whether the driver has been dozing off. Additionally, monitoring the heart and muscular status can be used to assess the level of arousal of the driver's nervous system and level of muscular relaxation, which can be used to evaluate the level of driver fatigue in order to replace the driver and to maintain a high level of service quality. Yet what digital technology brings to mankind has not exactly been fast and convenient. Will excessive information development and application invade the individual's privacy? Will a high-speed information society invade an individual's privacy and human dignity? This article aims to examine three concepts: (1) While improving the safety of public transportation, would the production and application of a vehicle driving safety and position recognition system invade the driver's or passenger's rational rights to privacy. (2) Would the production and application of a transportation vehicle driving safety and position recognition system elicit a conditioned response to invading the driver's human dignity. (3) The drafting of a rational employment contract and the protection of the hired driver's rights to work.
