  • 期刊


Cross Border Learning: A Case Study of International Students’ Learning Experiences in Fu Jen Catholic University


1960 年代全球從事跨國學習的國際學生總數約238,000 人,至2008 年已增長到3 百萬人左右,預估到2025 年具國際移動的跨國學習總人數將高達780 萬人。其中亞洲學生佔全球跨國學習人口的45%,其次為歐洲的28%,再次為非洲的12%。近年來促進學生跨國移動及學習已被各國視為培養學生國際競爭力及就業力的基礎,輔大在台灣高等教育強化學生國際力及增進學生跨國移動經驗的指標下,亦將培養兼具國際視野及就業力之優秀人才列入本校中長程發展目標。本文目的在檢視外籍學生於輔大跨國學習之經驗,並以實例檢討本校現行行政支援之策略方針。文中亦將依據116 位外國籍學位生在本校學習之問卷結果及分析結果,針對本校外籍生的跨境學習經驗、學習困難與行政支援等方面,提出建構國際化學習環境方針及提升學生國際移動力之具體策略及建言。


In the 1960s, the total number of students engaged in cross-border education and mobility programs was around 238,000 worldwide (Chen& Barnett, 2000). This number increased to around 3 million students in 2008, with the number of students in mobility programs estimated to reach 7.8 million by the end of 2025. In recent years, under the policies of the Ministry of Education in Taiwan, Fu Jen Catholic University (FJCU) has also witnessed this growth of student mobility on campus. The purpose of this paper is to review the current practices and strategies for promoting internationalization and student mobility at FJCU by examining the data of cross border-learning programs and feedback from international students regarding their cross-border learning experiences on campus. A survey was conducted in 2015 to investigate the overall attitudes of international students toward their cross-border learning experiences at FJCU and to examine whether such experiences will influence their personal goals and expectations for the future. Feedback from students about learning difficulties which caused by the language barrier are also presented in this paper. In the conclusion, practical suggestions to create a friendly environment for encouraging cross-border learning are provided for educators in higher education in Taiwan.


