  • 期刊


The Impact of Jurisdictional Spillover Effects on Two-Dimensional Rent-Seeking Activities


透過參考Faria et al.(2014)的二維型態競租努力模型以及Katz etal.(1990)所提出的公共財競租模型,本文建立了一個二維度區域間經費競租分析架構,在地方藉由上級政府經費補助所提供之地方公共財具有管轄區外溢性(可能是正向或負向)的情況下,進行管轄區外溢性對於二維度競租活動以及整體競租活動的影響效果分析。有別於過去單維度經費競租分析架構下,整體競租努力投入水準會隨地方公共財管轄區正向(負向)外溢性的增強而下降(提高)的分析結果,本文發現地方公共財管轄區正向(負向)外溢性的增強,在某些情況下會造成均衡總區域間經費競爭努力投入水準以及均衡整體競租努力投入水準的提高(下降)。上述差異產生的原因,是由於在本文的分析架構下,競租標的之正向(負向)外溢性提高,除了會經由降低(提高)區域間競租成功與否的相對淨利益差異,而降低(提高)總區域間經費競爭努力水準外,還會透過提高(降低)民眾之預期淨利益,使得兩個維度的競租努力以及整體競租努力投入水準增加(下降)。


By referring to the two-dimensional rent-seeking model in Faria et al. (2014) and the model of rent-seeking for public goods proposed by Katz et al. (1990). We construct a model of two-dimensional regional-based rent-seeking for funds. Using our model, we investigate the impact of jurisdictional spillover effects of public goods on two-dimensional and overall rent-seeking activities. Different from previous studies, our finding shows that the strengthening of positive (negative)jurisdictional spillover effects of public goods may increase (decrease)equilibrium between regions rent-seeking effort and equilibrium overall rent-seeking effort.


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