  • 期刊


Research on the Impact of Global Value Chain Reorganization on Taiwan's Industrial Structure and Countermeasures


目前全球貿易中約80%屬於跨國貿易(UNCTAD 2013),跨國貿易中的生產活動既發生在企業內也發生在企業間既有區域內分工,更有全球範圍內的貿易合作。亞洲全球價值鏈貿易額占全球製造業出口總額比重由1995年的8.6%增加至2008年的16.2%,擴大逾一倍,為亞洲各經濟體帶來了豐厚收益,突顯亞洲在全球價值鏈分工的重要性益趨提升。本文從全球價值鏈視角研究現階段臺灣製造業出口面臨困境並引述相關理論基礎突破框架提出對策。本文沿著分解不同經濟體在全球價值鏈中的增加值收入研究邏輯。通過使用著名的里昂惕夫(Leontief,1966)矩陣和多國投入產出模型,可以追蹤到各國間直接和間接的生產誘發過程,使得計算經濟體每一個生產環節獲得的增加值收入成為可能。在研究方法上,以上文獻大多側重從產業層面上運用非競爭型投人產出表進行研究。以微觀產業資料對出口進行研究,採取量化分析,運用全球價值鏈與附加價值計算法,以及應用世界投入產出表,基礎資料來源提供的世界投人產出表。計算我於全球分工的價值關聯與大陸產業鏈形成的衝擊。據此做出具有次序性及邏輯性的完整系統性分析。本文得出三個研究結論:1.進階式「區域整合」建構大中華區域GVC參與。2.「經濟理性」新功能主義促進GVC升級。3.GVC風險治理強化臺灣出口製造業競爭力的作用,改善淺碟型經濟體市場行為導向困境。為轉變價值鏈發展方式改變“唯增長”導向的市場扭曲,提出以下的政策建議:1.因應「創新研發」創造「産業鏈合作」空間。2.以「南向政策」彌補處于GVC低端環節的不利風險。3.積極推動與大陸「ECFA」服務貿易協定,促進區域産業鏈升級,藉以取得新型態之價值鏈競爭力。


At present, about 80% of global trade belongs to transnational trade (UNCTAD 2013). The production activities in cross-border trade occur both within the enterprise and in the existing division of labor between enterprises, as well as global trade cooperation. Asia's global value chain trade volume as a share of global manufacturing exports increased from 8.6% in 1995 to 16.2% in 2008, more than doubling, bringing substantial benefits to Asian economies, highlighting Asia's global value chain division of labor. The importance of this is increasing. This paper studies the current difficulties in the export of Taiwan's manufacturing industry from the perspective of global value chain and quotes the relevant theoretical basis to break through the framework. In terms of research methods, most of the above literature focuses on the use of non-competitive investment output tables at the industrial level. Research on exports with micro-industry data, quantitative analysis, use of global value chains and value-added calculations, and the application of world input-output tables, the world's input-output tables provided by basic sources. Calculate the impact of my value division in the global division of labor and the formation of the mainland industrial chain. Based on this, a complete systematic analysis of order and logic is made. This paper draws three conclusions: (1) Advanced "regional integration" to construct GVC participation in Greater China. (2) "Economic rationality" New functionalism promotes GVC upgrade. (3) GVC risk governance strengthens the competitiveness of Taiwan's export manufacturing industry and improves the market-oriented dilemma. Based on the market distortions that change the development change the "growth-only" orientation, this paper proposes the following policy recommendations: (1) creating "industry chain cooperation" space in response to "innovative R&D" (2) "Southward policy" Make up for the unfavorable risks at the low end of GVC (3) Actively promote the "ECFA" service trade agreement with the mainland, and promote the up grading of the regional industrial chain, in order to obtain a new type of value chain competitiveness.


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