  • 期刊


To Study the Effect of the Physician-Patient Relationship on Visiting Loyalty in Dental Clinics


目的:探討牙科診所之醫病關係對民眾就醫忠誠度之影響,並探討自覺滿意度及口腔保健認知對就醫忠誠度的影響。方法:採橫斷性研究,研究對象為滿20至69歲之民眾。問卷題數49題。整體問卷信度Cronbach Alpha值為0.971,效度採專家效度。採配額便利抽樣,回收份數951份,有效回收率70%。結果:受訪者民眾年齡20至29歲(41.4%)、女性(71.5%)、居住北部(46.8%)及專科及大學(67.2%)最多。自覺牙齒正常(45.9%)、回診頻率四至六個月(47.7%)、選擇非連鎖牙科(77.5%)、例行性檢查(61.5%)及選擇地點與交通(33.4%)居高。在醫病關係與自覺滿意度對就醫忠誠度都有顯著差異(p<.001),自覺滿意度於醫病關係對於就醫忠誠度具顯著部分中介效果(p<.001),而口腔保健認知於醫病關係對自覺滿意度不具有顯著調節作用(p>.05)。結論:大多數民眾在選擇就診機構時會考慮診所之地點與交通,而醫病間之關係會正向影響患者對於機構之忠誠度,且患者之自覺滿意度在醫病關係對就醫忠誠度上有顯著中介影響效果。建議:牙科經營者可提供患者口腔保健知識,並加強醫病間之關係以建立患者對診所之滿意度與就醫忠誠度。


Purpose: To study the effect of the physician-patient relationship (PPR) on visiting loyalty (VL) for people living in Taiwan, and further to explore the difference of demographics, PPR, perceived satisfaction (PS), and oral-cavity health awareness (OCHA) on loyalty. Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted. Subjects were from 20 to 69 years old. There were 49 questions in this survey. The reliability of the Cronbach α was 0.971, and the validity adopted an expert validity. Moreover, the sampling adapted a quota convenience sample. Finally, we received 951 cases with 70% effective samples. Results: Mostly, they were 20-29 (41.4%) years old, belong to the women (71.5%), and living in the north (46.8%), and the colleges and universities (67.2%). There were 45.9% felt normal on perceiving teeth health, 47.7 % respondents were four to six months for tracking visit, 77.5% visited in non-chain dentistry, 61.5% being routine examination, and 33.4% favoring the location and transportation. In the inferential statistical analysis, the PPR and PS were significantly different in the VL (p<.001), which meant PS had a significant partial mediating effect on the VL (p<.001). Moreover, the OCHA hadn’t a significant moderating effect on PS to VL (p<.05). Conclusions: Location and traffic was an important factor for patient to choose dentistry. The PPR would positively affect the VL of a patient, and PS had a significant partial mediating effect on a VL. Suggestions: To build a good PPR through providing OCHA will significantly enhance the PS and VL.


吳秀英、賴辛癸、張粹文、林宇旋、洪百薰、蕭美玲(2008)。臺灣地區 2001 年及 2005 年成人及兒童口腔保健行為與牙科就診原因之比較。臺灣公共衛生雜誌,27(1),25-31。
