  • 期刊


The Amount of Exercise Best Suited to Promote Immune Function and Fight COVID-19


自2019年新冠病毒COVID-19爆發以來,全世界感染人數與死亡人數屢創新高,使各國的防疫措施,似乎還需持續一段時間。規律的身體活動或運動,對預防非傳染性與傳染性疾病,都是重要的健康行為之一。雖然過度運動可能誘發人體免疫抑制現象,提高細菌病毒感染風險,但規律運動促進免疫功能,有效降低罹患傳染性疾病風險,已是各方共識。然而,世界衛生組織的人類身體活動指引,只提出最少身體活動建議量,並沒有最高身體活動量上限的建議。本文透過Google學術搜索引擎,physical activity、exercise、immune function、COIVD-19、immunosuppression等關鍵字進行搜尋,共收集到相關文獻35篇,分別從身體活動強度、身體活動量與2020年WHO身體活動指引、身體活動對免疫功能與傳染性疾病之影響、運動對抗COVID-19成效等進行彙整、分析,並提出對抗COVID-19最適合的運動量為每週至少2-3天的阻力訓練,一週內每天最多60-90分鐘內的中、高強度的身體活動量,供全民參考,期望對抗疫有所貢獻。


It seems both governmental and private sectors still necessitate further effort for a long time due to the infected cases and death toll have been surging since the COVID-19 pandemic exploded globally in 2019. Regular physical activity or exercise is one of critical healthy behaviors for both non-communicable and communicable diseases prevention. Although overloaded exercise-induced immunosuppression is still controversial, there is a consensus on that regular exercise enhances immune function and effectively prevents communicable diseases. Nevertheless, physical activity guideline for health provided by WHO merely recommended the "at least", but not the "at most" physical activity volume. We searched 35 research articles using key words such as physical activity, exercise, immune function, COIVD-19, immunosuppression via Google browser, and then organized, analyzed, discussed and concluded that includes 2-3 days of resistance training a week and 60-90 minutes of physical activity a day throughout a week at most is the optimal physical activity volume against COVID-19 in this paper in order to contribute to overcoming this pandemic.


physical activity immune function COIVD-19


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