  • 期刊

臺灣與美國華語教材之文化內容比較分析-以《新版實用視聽華語》與Integrated Chinese為例

Comparative Analysis of the Cultural Content of Chinese Textbooks in Taiwan and in the United States Through the Examples of Practical Audio-Visual Chinese and Integrated Chinese


在華語教學中,文化是不可或缺的。為使學習者理解目標語文化的全貌,教學時應提供全面的文化內容。本研究目的有二:一是建構華語教材文化內容核心類目,二是分析二套教材文化內容的分布情形。根據文獻探討與專家意見,本研究將文化內容分為文化產物、文化實踐、文化觀念、文化社群與文化個體等五個主類目與17個次類目。透過比較教育研究法與內容分析法來比較分析臺灣《新版實用視聽華語》與美國Integrated Chinese二套教材。研究結果有二:一是二套教材文化內容分布不均,呈現注重表層文化、忽略深層文化的現象,且文化內容出現的比例有逐冊遞增的趨勢;二是二套教材中出現比例較高的文化次類目大多相同,但美國教材呈現出較多元的內容。建議有三:一是調整華語教材中的文化內容比例,二是參考美國華語教材文化內容的多元性,三是持續探討各國華語教材的文化內容。


Culture is an indispensable aspect of Chinese teaching. Therefore, this study had a twofold purpose: to identify the core categories of the cultural content of Chinese textbooks and to analyze the distribution of the cultural content of two textbook sets. Cultural content was divided into 5 main categories and 17 subcategories. The two textbook sets, Practical Audiovisual Chinese (which is used in Taiwan), and Integrated Chinese (which is used in the United States), were compared and analyzed using the comparative education research method and content analysis. The analyses revealed two results. One was the uneven distribution of the cultural content in the two textbook sets, demonstrating a focus on surface culture and neglecting deep culture; the proportion of cultural content generally increased. The second was that the emergence of cultural subcategories in the two textbook sets was mostly the same. However, the American textbooks included more diverse content. Three suggestions were developed from these results: the proportion of cultural content in Chinese textbooks should be adjusted, the diversity of cultural content in American Chinese textbooks should be used as a reference, and the cultural content of Chinese textbooks in various countries should continue to be explored.


