  • 期刊


Constructing Women's Moral Space: The Transmission and Transformation of the Exemplary Women Images in the Sinosphere




The genre of the Biographies of Exemplary Women, initiated by the Han Confucian Scholar Liu Xiang (77-6 BCE), consisted of the texts and illustrations from the very beginning. Thus, a study of its transmission and transformation in the Sinosphere requires examination of both. Throughout the two thousand years, this genre has gone through constant changes of forms, media, and connotations in its interactions with different spatial and temporal contexts. This article intends to summarize this process, first on its evolution through painting screens, murals, stone carvings, and hand scrolls from the Han to the Tang, and then its woodblock versions after the invention of the printing technique in the Song. The spread of the illustrated Ming editions of the Biographies of Exemplary Women into Korea and Japan further inspired its imitative works in these areas. Through a comparative study of excavated materials, this article expects to understand how the sociopolitical, cultural, and economic environments influenced the textual and imagery construction of women's moral space in the Sinosphere.


〔西漢〕劉向:《列女傳》,阮氏《文選樓叢書》摹刊南宋余氏本《新編古列女傳》,刊發於清道光五年(1825)。影印本收入《叢書集成新編》,臺北:新文豐出版公司,1986 年。本文引用爲清道光五年版本。
〔西漢〕賈誼著、閻振益、鍾夏校注:《新書校注》,北京:中華書局,2000 年。
〔東漢〕班固:《漢書》,北京:中華書局,1962 年。
〔劉宋〕范曄:《後漢書》,北京:中華書局,1965 年。
〔唐〕徐堅:《初學記》,北京:中華書局,1962 年。
