  • 期刊


Record and Comment of Anecdotes and Historical Fact of Buddhist Temples in Zen Sketches during the Song Dynasty




Zen sketches in the Song Dynasty are the essay writing which records the situations of Buddhist temple in Song Dynasty. This paper focuses on narrative Zen sketches of Zen monks in the Song Dynasty, including "Lin Jian Lu" by Hui Hung, "Zong Men Wu Ku" by Tao Qian Bian, "Lo Hu Yeh Lu" by Xiao Ying, "Yun Wo Ji Tan", "Cong Lin Sheng Shih" by Tao Rong and "Ku Ai Men Lu" by Huan Wu. It observes the writing and criticism on the anecdotes of Buddhist temples in the Song Dynasty in Zen sketches. Zen sketches are based on the lively writing style of unofficial history and records. They lack structures and each story is independent. The writing focuses on the details of one event to show the unique personality and spirit of Zen monks, and highlights the characters by focused description. The stories of the interaction among Zen monks reveal their wisdom in the discussion of Zen. The writers of the sketches as the observers of the situations of Buddhist temples in the Song Dynasty, they positioned themselves as historians. The Record contains personal criticism including warning or comment on the change of Zen monks towards the world, schools and experiences of Zen monks, and change of cultural climate of Buddhist temples. Between narration and criticism, it shows the writers' in-depth concerns for future Zen development by recording the situations of Buddhist temples at the time. The anecdotes and cultural phenomenon of Buddhist temples collected by the writers are the important historical materials to approach the development of Zen Buddhism in the Song Dynasty.


〔元魏〕吉迦夜共曇曜譯:《付法藏因緣傳》,收入〔日〕高楠順次郎、〔日〕渡邊海旭都監:《大正新脩大藏經》,東京:大正一切經刊行會,1924-1934 年,第 50 冊。以下同此版本,簡稱《大正藏》。
〔宋〕朱熹集注:《四書集注》,臺北:世界書局,1952 年。
〔宋〕道謙編:《大慧普覺禪師宗門武庫》,《大正藏》第 47 冊。
〔宋〕淨善重集:《禪林寶訓》,《大正藏》第 48 冊。
〔宋〕善卿編:《祖庭事苑》,收入〔日〕河村照孝編集:《卍新纂大日本續藏經》,東京:株式會社國書刊行會,1975-1989 年,第 64 冊。以下同此版本,簡稱《卍新纂續藏經》。
