  • 期刊


An Analysis of the Religious Nature and Implication of Qu Yuan's Li Sao: also discuss its impact on Song Yu




屈原 楚辭 離騷 宗教 宋玉


This thesis is divided into three parts. Firstly, it discusses the religious nature of "Li Sao", including Qu Yuan's divination, praying to the gods, describing the gods descending from the gods and Qu Yuan flying into the sky. When Qu Yuan enters the world of gods, he can travel around the world and pursue ancient queens. Secondly, the inner connotation of Qu Yuan's religious writing in "Li Sao" is to show his internal and external beauty, capable of being born into a human being and becoming a god in the sky. When he has doubts in his heart, he asks God to show his loyalty. Qu Yuan was worried about the lack of time, and hoped that he would be able to grasp the time to implement his beautiful political ideals. Qu Yuan was able to fall in love between humans and gods when he was wandering in spirit, which means that he was seeking good officials to assist the king of Chu together. He can use the gods to compensate for the psychological performance. Finally, discuss the influence of the religious writing of "Li Sao" on Song Yu, and Song Yu's innovation. Qu Yuan's "Li Sao" not only reflects Qu Yuan's religious consciousness, but also knows that he uses a combination of literature and religion, and carries his personal feelings, making the work of Li Sao more extraordinary.


Qu Yuan Chu Ci Li Sao Religion Song Yu


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