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A Study on the Words of Wuyuechunqiu in the Qunshu Zhiyao collected by Kanazawa Bunko



Parallel abstracts

The existing Qunshu Zhiyao in Japan can be divided into the manuscripts of the Heian Period, the manuscripts of Kanazawa Bunko, Suruganokuni version in the second year of Genna era, and Tenmei version in the 7th year of Tenmei period (1787). Among them, the manuscripts of the Heian Period do not include Wuyuechunqiu, while the Suruganokuni version and the Tenmei version are based on the manuscripts of Kanazawa Bunko, so this article takes the manuscripts of Kanazawa Bunko as the research basis. Qunshu Zhiyao was spread to Japan in the Tang dynasty and spread in the Japan, and although the writing era of the manuscripts of Kanazawa Bunko roughly corresponds to the Yuan dynasty, it retains many folk writing structures since the Tang dynasty, it is the best of first-hand material for folk writing philology study. Qunshu Zhiyao were collected two texts of Wuyuechunqiu, the first text is not even found in the current version of Wuyuechunqiu .We will analyze the handwriting of Kanazawa's version to compare the ancient version of Kanazawa Library in Kamakura with the current version, Suruganokuni version and Tenmei version. In addition, the essay will be making the textual research on the two texts of Wuyuechunqiu, thus making the text fluent.


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〔漢〕司馬遷撰:《史記》,北京:中華書局,1974 年。
〔漢〕趙曄著,張覺譯注:《中國歷代名著全譯叢書.012.吳越春秋全譯》,貴陽:貴州人民出版社,1994 年。
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