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No Appetite to Eat?-The Strategies of Food Fraud Prevention from UK and USA


食品詐騙是一種古老的犯罪,主要指涉賣方為獲取經濟利益而蓄意針對食品成分採取替代、非法添加或移除的行動;同時,也包含對食品包裝提出虛假、誤導或不實陳述等之聲明。鑒於食品詐騙問題影響民生甚鉅,英美學者已紛紛針對類似事件提出改革建議。為進一步闡釋英美在食品詐騙之防制策略的立論主張,本文將以「情境犯罪預防」(situational crime prevention)之理論觀點進行剖析,建議我國政府應從「強化監督者」、「打擊詐騙者」及「保護受害者」這三方面著手,設法降低食品詐騙或犯罪機會的發生,藉以捍衛消費大眾的健康權及經濟權。


Food fraud is an ancient crime. It means the vendor's illegal action about intentional substitution, addition, tampering, or misrepresentation of food, food ingredients, or food packaging; also including false or misleading statements made about a product, for economic gain. To minimize the negative impact on consumers, businesses, and ultimately the economy, several recommendations are offered by UK and USA scholars to combat food fraud incidents. This article will analyze the recommendations in terms of "situational crime prevention". In the end, the paper advises the authority to reduce the opportunities of food fraud or food crime by means of strengthening guardians, combating fraudsters and defensing victims for protecting the rights of public health and economics.


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