  • 期刊


Evolution of a Hakka Local Characteristic Industry: Using Peanut Tofu of Neipu as an Example




"Peanut Tofu" is based on natural ingredients and traditional manual technique. It is a featured food of Neipu Hakka. The development of related industry has been nearly 90 years. The industry launches the business by stores and establishes a market niche with Hakka flavor as the characteristic. In 2007, it became a Hakka featured product of Pingtung County. The industry of nearly one hundred years turns into a local characteristic industry with historic, cultural and environmental factors and clusters with related industries and results in the local cultural industry. From the perspective of the cultural economy, this study explores the development and industrial construction process of a local characteristic manufactured food "Peanut Tofu of Neipu". By qualitative research through content analysis, interview and observation, this study reviews development of the Peanut Tofu industry of Neipu, connection between Peanut Tofu and the Hakka and the overall present environment and obstacles of the Peanut Tofu industry of Neipu. According to research findings, the Peanut Tofu industry, in the trend of health, persists by manual technique and they make Peanut Tofu with traditional, rich and unique Hakka flavor and taste. It shows a unique cultural identity different from common Tofu. Therefore, Hakka culture becomes the most critical carrier of the Peanut Tofu industry. Finally, this study probes into engagement, production, purchase, acceptance, diffusion, operation and marketing of Peanut Tofu of Neipu. It enhances value of Hakka featured food as a historic, cultural and unique local characteristic industry in order to fulfill the local value of the Peanut Tofu industry of Neipu.


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