  • 期刊


Psychometric Properties of Reminiscence Functions Scale Chinese Version


懷舊在老年精神保健領域中累積許多研究與理論成果,懷舊功能量表(Reminiscence Functions Scale, RFS)常用於懷舊相關研究,具有良好信效度。本研究目的為翻譯RFS為中文版量表,並檢核中文版懷舊功能量表之心理計量特性。中文版懷舊功能量表以紙本與網路的方式施測於60~95歲的社區高齡者共309名受試者。結果顯示,中文版懷舊功能量表Cronbach'sα係數0.791~0.965,並且與各效標有合理顯著的相關性。本研究結果支持中文版懷舊功能量表為具良好信效度之懷舊評估工具,可作為評估臺灣人懷舊功能的臨床評估與研究的工具。


Reminiscence has accumulated many research results and applications in the field of mental health in the elderly. The Reminiscence Functions Scale (RFS) is commonly applied in reminiscence-related research and has good reliability and validity. The purpose of this study was to translate RFS into a Chinese version of the scale and to examine the psychometric properties. A total of 309 people aged 60~95 in community provided valid information and filled out the Chinese version of the Reminiscence Functions Scale on paper and online. The results show that the Chinese version of the Reminiscence Functions Scale has good psychometric properties. Cronbach's α of the Chinese version is 0.791 ~ 0.965 with good internal consistency. The Chinese version also has acceptable criterion-related validity. The results of this study confirm that the Chinese version of Reminiscence Functions Scale is an evaluation tool with good reliability and validity, and can be used as a tool for clinical evaluation and research of Taiwanese reminiscence functions.


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